Behold Christ, Who fulfills All Righteousness

Jan 12, 2025    Sam Vendt

Behold the righteous and beloved Son of God, the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world.

1. Behold Christ in Humility: His sinlessness exposes our sin and need for righteousness.

2. Behold Christ in Obedience: His righteous obedience to the Father becomes ours by the cross.

3. Take pleasure in Christ: In Christ, by the Spirit, we join the Father's delighting in His Son

Questions for meditation, Discussion, and Application:

How does both John's and Jesus' humility and obedience shape how I respond to Christ's own righteousness counted to me?

What specific commands from Scripture are difficult for me to obey? How does Christ's righteousness apply?

How do I share my delight in Christ with others? How and with whom will I share Christ with soon?