Behold Christ, Who fulfills All Righteousness
Jan 12, 2025 • Sam Vendt
Behold the righteous and beloved Son of God, the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world.
1. Behold Christ in Humility: His sinlessness exposes our sin and need for righteousness.
2. Behold Christ in Obedience: His righteous obedience to the Father becomes ours by the cross.
3. Take pleasure in Christ: In Christ, by the Spirit, we join the Father's delighting in His Son
Questions for meditation, Discussion, and Application:
How does both John's and Jesus' humility and obedience shape how I respond to Christ's own righteousness counted to me?
What specific commands from Scripture are difficult for me to obey? How does Christ's righteousness apply?
How do I share my delight in Christ with others? How and with whom will I share Christ with soon?