The Great Commission
Jesus’ priorities for every local church.
The Mission of Crossway Church comes from Jesus’ commission to his followers in Matthew 28:18–19. Our vision describes how we carry out that mission as a local church, largely based on Ephesians 4:1–16.
The Mission
To make disciples of Jesus Christ
who live for the joy of knowing Him
and for the glory of the triune God.
who live for the joy of knowing Him
and for the glory of the triune God.
The Vision
the worship of God in spirit and in truth
instruction from his word
fellowship in love and unity with one another
and evangelism in our homes, community, and the world.
instruction from his word
fellowship in love and unity with one another
and evangelism in our homes, community, and the world.
Our Mission and Vision require us to set some Priorities for our life and ministry together.