Christ Proclaimed ✥ Lives Transformed

Song of the Cross - Side B - The Praise of the Resurected One

Mar 31, 2024    Sam Vendt

God hears the cries of His afflicted and will deliver them, providing it by becoming afflicted by us and for us on the cross, defeating death, and sharing the victory with his brothers and sisters forever.

"Side A" (vv. 1-21)

1. Lament 1: Why are you so far away? (vv. 1-11)

2. Lament 2: I'm surrounded by bloodthirsty beasts. (vv. 12-21)

"Side B" (vv. 22-31)

3. Call to Worship: I will tell of your name! (vv. 22-31)

a. ... to my brothers. (vv. 22-24)

b. ... to the afflicted. (vv. 25-26)

c. ... to the nations. (vv. 27-28)

d. ... to future generations. (vv 29-31)