As ambassadors, stewards, heralds, and servants of the gospel we are responsible to teach others the message given to us by God. To be faithful, we must be careful in our presentation of the gospel to avoid watering down the truth or leaving out certain truths that might not be easy for people to receive. Our proclamation of the gospel must include more than an explanation of God's love, mercy, and grace. It must include more than the gospel as simply a "free gift." In our proclamation of the gospel we must also explain the God-glorifying truth that He is holy, righteous, and just. We must explain that men are sinful, lawless, and helpless. Though the gift of eternal life is free in the sense that man cannot earn it, it is also true that it costs everything. A man must deny himself, take up His cross, and daily follow Christ, His Savior and Master. Our goal is to teach the whole gospel of Christ in order that the brilliant glory of Christ would cause men to worship Him!